From September 11th to 13th, the Free University of Bozen-Bolzano hosted the prestigious AUTOMATICA.IT 2024 workshop, a well-known appointment to exchange cutting-edge insights in the control systems area. This year AUTOMATICA.IT featured the “DAUSY Poster and Pitch Session” on September 11th, 2024. This session provided DAUSY students the opportunity to present their research through posters and pitches, fostering networking and collaboration with their peers.

Here are some pictures of the event!

List of presentations

Nadia Naz – Analysis of dosimetric parameters of linear accelerator (poster and pitch)

Zohreh Shahrouei and Elio Usai – Management and automation systems for energy management in buildings and industrial processes (poster and pitch)

Pietro Maria Marvulli, Domenico Buongiorno, Raffaele Carli, Mariagrazia Dotoli and Vitoantonio Bevilacqua – Autonomous Intelligent System for Predicting Response to TACE in Treating Hepatocellular Carcinoma (poster and pitch)

Claudia Delprete, Domenico Buongiorno, Raffaele Carli, Mariagrazia Dotoli and Vitoantonio Bevilacqua – Autonomous Intelligent Systems for Polyp Detection and Segmentation in Colonoscopy (poster and pitch)

Gabriele Gemignani, Margherita Bongiorni and Lorenzo Pollini – An Energy-aware Decision-making scheme for Mobile Robots on a Graph Map based on Deep Reinforcement Learning (poster and pitch)

Valeriana Mancazzo, Elena Sibilano, Antonio Brunetti, Raffaele Carli, Mariagrazia Dotoli and Vitoantonio Bevilacqua – Intelligent Systems for Predicting Disability Progression in Multiple Sclerosis Using Motor Evoked Potentials and Digital Twin Technology (poster and pitch)

Francesco Campregher and Antonio Visioli – Advanced control strategies with applications to sustainable bioprocesses (poster and pitch)

Mahsa Ghavami, Davide Liuzza, Elisa Mostacciuolo, Luigi Iannelli and Francesco Vasca – A mixed-integer charging schedule for electric vehicles with request-dependent pricing (poster and pitch)

Vittoria Socci and Chiara Mocenni – An Agent-Based Model to foster Citizens’ Sustainable Behavior in the Italian City of Siena (poster and pitch)

Mohamed Mahmoud Abdelwahab Mohamed, Giulio Giacomuzzo, Alberto Dalla Libera and Ruggero Carli – Adaptive Robust Controller for handling Unknown Uncertainty of Robotic Manipulators (poster and pitch)

Michela Prunella, Nicola Altini, Paolo Scarabaggio, Raffaele Carli, Mariagrazia Dotoli and Vitoantonio Bevilacqua – A quantitative systems biology approach to characterize advanced gastric cancer response (poster)

Angelo Accetta, Maurizio Cirrinzione, Silvia Di Girolamo, Filippo D’Ippolito, Marcello Pucci and Antonino Sferlazza – Robust Nonlinear Control for Induction Motor Drives Based on Adaptive Disturbance Compensation (poster)

Simone Gentile, Danilo Menegatti, Andrea Wrona, Antonio Di Paola and Alessandro Giuseppi – Deep Reinforcement Learning Platooning Control of Non-Cooperative Autonomous Vehicles in a Mixed Traffic Environment (poster and pitch)

Denis Tognolo, Francesco Visentin and Riccardo Muradore – Vision-based Autonomous Navigation in Agricultural Rows (poster and pitch)

Pierluigi Francesco De Paola, Jared Miller, Alessandro Borri, Alessia Paglialonga and Fabrizio Dabbene – A control system framework for counterfactuals: an optimization-based approach (poster)

Amarnath Venkatachalam, Lucia Valentina Gambuzza, Carlo Famoso, Ludovico Minati, Giovanni Russo and Mattia Frasca – Recovering the governing equations of nonlinear dynamical systems by sparse identification from experimental data (poster and pitch)

Sebastiano Taddei, Mattia Piccinini, Edoardo Pagot and Francesco Biral – Artificial Racing Coach: teaching humans how to maximize a racing vehicle’s performance and drive at its limits (poster)

Daniel-Costel Bouleanu, Costin Badica and Giancarlo Fortino – Multi-agent Systems Methodologies and Frameworks for Edge-AI in Smart Environments (poster and pitch)

Mojtaba Porghoveh, Raffaele Carli and Mariagrazia Dotoli – Drone as a Service in Logistics: a Review of Optimization and Control Techniques (poster and pitch)

Sara Gomiero and Karl Dietrich von Ellenrieder – Chattering-free Sliding Mode Control for Position and Attitude Tracking of a Quadrotor with a Cable-Suspended Load (poster and pitch)

Mohammad Jeddi and Paolo Falcone – Safety-driven mixed model and learning-based motion planning and control of autonomous systems (poster and pitch)

Alessandro Di Biase, Renat Kermenov, Sauro Longhi and Andrea Bonci – Human-robot co-transport of flexible materials using deformation constraints (poster and pitch)

Giulia D’Addato, Daniele Fontanelli and Luigi Palopoli – Socially-Aware Opinion-Based Navigation with Oval Limit Cycles for Human-Robot Interaction (poster and pitch)

Pietro Bonsanto, Mattia Mattioni, Alessio Iovine, Elena De Santis and Maria Domenica Di Benedetto – Mesoscopic digital control for Practical String Stability of vehicular platoons (poster and pitch)

Alessandro Giuseppi, Antonio Di Paola, Alessandro Santopaolo, Syed Saad Saif, Federico Fiorini and Antonio Pietrabissa – ARIES: An Intelligent System for Landslide and Wildfire Risk Management (poster and pitch)

Giorgio Manca, Mario Sassano and Sergio Galeani – Enhancing Extended Kalman Filters Performance through Covariance Estimation (poster and pitch)

Sajjad Miralizadeh Jalalat, Alberto Cavallo and Antonio Russo – Safe Reinforcement Learning-Based Voltage Control in Nonlinear Power Systems (poster and pitch)

Marco Perin, Angelo Cenedese and Francesco Bullo – Adaptive Deep Learning Controller for Nonlinear Systems with Contraction Theory (poster)

Paul Christian Tesso Woafo – A novel multiobjective optimal LQ control strategy for energy harvesting in vehicle suspension systems (poster)

Daniele Antonucci, Davide Bonanni, Luca Consolini and Gianluigi Ferrari – Optimization and Monitoring of Pharmaceutical Processes through Statistical Data Analysis (poster)