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The D&C Lab promoted and is currently active in different research projects, in particular:

National projects

  • Project PICO&PRO (integrated and connected processes for the industrial production evolution), funded by the Italian Ministry for Education, University and Research (MIUR) in the context of the National Research Program 2015-2020 for the development of smart manufacturing.
  • Project RAFAEL (System for Risk Analysis and Forecast for critical infrastructure in the ApenninEs dorsaL Regions), funded by the Italian Ministry for Education, University and Research (MIUR) in the context of the National Research Program 2015-2020 for critical infrastructure risk management and forecast in South Italy.
  • Project RES NOVAE (Networks, Buildings, Roads: New virtuous objectives for the Environment and Energy), funded by the Ministry for Education, University and Research (MIUR) and by the Ministry of the Economic Development in the context of the National Operative Program for Research and Competitiveness 2007-2013 for the development of the Smart City.
  • Project “ERMES – Enhance Risk Management through Extended Sensors” (PON01_03113), funded by the Ministry for Education, University and Research and by the Ministry of the Economic Development in the context of the National Operative Program for Research and Competitiveness 2007-2013.

Regional projects

  • Project “UCCSM – Urban Control Center for the sustainable management of energy flows in Metropolitan Smart Cities” funded by the Apulian Region im the call “Technological Clusters” of the Operative Regional Program FESR 2007-2013.
  • Project “SEMINA – Evolved Systems for the Intelligent Mobility in Urban Agile Networks” funded by the Apulian Region in the call “Apulian ICT Living Lab” of the Operative Regional Program FESR 2007-2013.
  • Project “MinD – Mine Detection” funded by the Apulian Region in the notice “Regional partnerships for innovation” of the Operative Regional Program FESR 2007-2013.
  • Research and technological transfer project with the OM Carrelli Elevatori SpA company located in Modugno (BA), “SMMARTT-Development of an Advanced Warehouse Model for the reduction of the Throughput Time”, funded by the Apulian Region in the context of the project Back to the Future – POR Puglia 2007 2013 Axis IV Human Capital.
  • Project “Innovative Models for Mechatronic Systems”, agreement of Framework Program in the context of “Scientific Research” of the Apulian Region, Approval CIPE 20/04, Intervention cod. DM01, Industrial research projects related to the realization strategy developed by the Mechatronics Technology District. Period: 2010-2011.

Academic projects

  • Research project funded by the research fund (ex 60%) of Polytechnic of Bari “Techniques for decision and control of flexible and efficient energy community” (2019).
  • Research project funded by the research fund (ex 60%) of Polytechnic of Bari “Techniques for monitoring, control, and managing of energy flows in the metropolitan Smart City” (2016).
  • Research project in conjunction between Polytechnic of Bari and École Centrale of Lille (France), titled “Management of discrete event logistics systems”, funded by the Polytechnic of Bari.
  • Research project funded by the research fund (ex 60%) of Polytechnic of Bari “Decision Support Systems for the sustainable management of the logistic transport systems, mono-, multi-, inter- and co-modal” (2012).
  • Research project funded by the research fund (ex 60%) of Polytechnic of Bari “Design of Distribution System in case of Uncertainty” (2011).

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